All employees and personnel of Aero Dynamic Machining, Inc. (“ADM”) are required to participate in annual business conduct training so that all personnel are educated in the following areas:
- Promoting a Drug-Free Workplace: The objective is to emphasize the need to maintain a drug-free workplace; the program will cover the company’s policy and what constitutes drug or alcohol abuse in the workplace, and will teach employees how to identify and resolve drug-related work issues.
- Gifts and Business Courtesies: This part of the program is intended to educate all ADM personnel (i) the possible improprieties and violations of law that may be triggered as a result of the giving and receiving of gifts and business courtesies and (ii) how to comply with anti-kickback and anti-corruption policies, laws and regulations.
- Harassment in the Workplace: ADM prohibits all forms of harassment at its workplace; training in this area is intended to assist personnel of ADM to recognize, prevent, and address harassment in the workplace and how to report any form of harassment to the management of ADM without fear of retribution and retaliation.
- International Business Practices: ADM intends to educate its employees how to recognize and address situations that could lead to violations of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and other applicable bribery, or anti-corruption laws in the U.S. and other countries in which ADMmay do business in.